
June 14, 2012

The Scrap Weeks.13 Bracelet

A little late posting for day thirteen, but I promise I have a good reason...

My nephew, Gage, turned 10 this year.  For his Birthday he got tickets to go see his favorite band, Nickleback.  Since his dad found out he had to work, my sister, Casual, asked if I wanted to go, "Hell...Yeah!" was my answer.  I just want to say that if you ever have a chance to go see them, Do It, they are amazing entertainers.  Bush(!!!), Seether, and My Darkest Days were the opening bands and they rocked just as hard!

For the concert I wanted to punk out with dark makeup, a crazy hair-do (which was a pinned back Mohawk!), and a funky bracelet.  So here I am, a day late to talk about the scrap bracelet I made to rock out in.

You Will Need:
Scrap Fabric
Sewing Machine or Needle & Thread

For this project I used a long scrap of silk which was ripped on the straight of grain that didn't cause fraying on the raw edge.  If you are using a fabric that frays and you want a clean edge add extra width to press under and topstitch or purposely fray your raw edge.
 My fabric was 3" wide, but you can cut your fabric however wide you want to.
For the length measure around your wrist and double it, adding a few inches for breathing room.
Mine measured 6" so I cut my fabric 15" long.

 Press both ends under.
An inch in from each side, ruffle your fabric.

Remembering to backstitch at the ends.

At one end, center a tight zig-zag stitch and with a pair of scissors cut down the middle for a button hole.
On the opposite end center and attach a button.


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