
June 14, 2012

The Scrap Weeks.14 Throw Pillow

Last but not least, the Boston Red Sox.  Sawyer's bedroom is all about baseball and the Sox, so this pocket pillow will only be fitting...

The logo was cut out from leftover material I used to make his quilt and hand stitched on.  The blue material used was cut from a pair of scrubs around the utility pocket.  What better place to stash bedtime goodies than right next to your head!

You Will Need:
Scrap Fabric
Sewing Machine, Needle & Thread

Two 16" long by 10" wide for front and back.

With right sides facing each other, pin, and sew 1/2" seam around two long sides and one short side.
Clip the corners.

Flip right side out, push out corners, and press.
Fold open end under and press.
Stuff and hand stitch closed.


...and that's all she wrote!  Thanks for hanging in there for fourteen fun filled days!

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