
June 12, 2012

The Scrap Weeks.12 Napkin Rings

I absolutely love the look of burlap and would love to incorporate that into our dining room; maybe placemats, curtains, a table runner...then I found this great tutorial at Living with Punks for Napkin Rings and thought burlap would be perfect and it would go with the Fabric Coasters I made the other day!  Lucky me, my parents have a great stock of old burlap bags from their past business, Jack E. Glyde, where they sold sportsman's hanging systems.  My mom has been playing around with the burlap a lot lately, so I've decided to raid her stash before she gets too crazy and it's all gone!  So for my next burlap project, I'm thinking a table runner would go great with our new table.

I added a loose knot at the top of the loop for a little something extra.

Okay, you're probably thinking, "A stock of burlap bags isn't scraps...".  I know, I know, but first napkin ring I made today was made from my scrap stash!  I just really wanted to show you the burlap napkin rings first :).

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