
June 1, 2012

The Scrap Weeks.1 Scarf

Welcome to day one of The Scrap Weeks!  My first project was made from an old pair of brown scrubs.  The fabric was so soft and light I couldn't bring myself to put them into the Goodwill pile, so they were saved for a future creation...

Directions for a Basic Scarf:
Cut two pieces of fabric 33" long and 7" wide.  Using a french seam sew the two pieces together to make one long piece of 64".  To hide the raw edges on the sides, press the edge under 1/4", fold under another 1/4" and press again.  Sew the folded edges in place.  Fray the bottom edges of the scarf.

To Add a Little Extra:
Cut a piece of lace 8" long.  Press the edges under 1/4".  Place on the bottom of the scarf and wrap the edges around to the backside, pin, and sew in place.

I made a miniature version of the scarf above for my niece, Myla.  Instead of using lace, I pleated some leftover chiffon and frayed the top and bottom.  Here she is taking a moment out of her playtime to pose for me!

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