
April 26, 2012

Spring Cleaning Projects

I apologize for the very few posts I've had lately. The weather has been getting nicer and I am taking full advantage of it. Those two dreaded words... Spring Cleaning. I'm sure you know, the work that goes in to owning a home can be very overwhelming. We are definitely at that point. Our front lawn has been dead since we moved in eight months ago. Sawyer was born four days after we moved in and we've since been trying to organize and get our birds in a row. While eight months is plenty of time to get something as simple as planting grass (ha), we have lacked funds. So that fun project begins next week! We finally got tired of looking like the dead, scary house on the block.

In the meantime, I took on a project that started well over two months ago. A giant spider stood in my way to completeing it, so I finally sprayed the frame and found some courage. I think anyone that's been in our home can say that we definitley need wall hangings. So in my attempt to accomplish this, I went hunting. Our backyard is home to a torn down barn (that we also have yet to clean up) that holds many a treasure! I have found some really great things and as I finish each one I will post it.

My mother acutally found this one...
An old chicken coop window. I removed all of the chicken wire and gave it a little sanding (where I stopped because of the creepy crawly). Added a couple of hanging mason jars with votives. I would rather use fresh flowers, but those will come next spring, after I have planted them. The pictures are fabric. I used spray adhesive to glue it to a foam board, cut them down to size, and tucked them in to the two windows.

I plan to hang this in our dining room when that project is finished...

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I like that you can use the mason jars for candles or flowers.
