
June 9, 2012

The Scrap Weeks.9 Bow Tie

Oh for the love of a little gentleman!  It's too easy to steal my heart; ties, suspenders, flat caps, bow ties...

A perfect gentleman doesn't need accessories to look the part, although sometimes it's just appropriate.  His name is Dallen, the sweetest five year old in town.  Sawyer and I attended his Birthday party today and I thought a bow tie would be the perfect addition to such a personality...and doesn't he look the part?!

I have found numerous tutorials on how to make a bow tie and it can be exhausting to try so many different ways, believe me, I've tried.  That being said, Prudent Baby has a great tutorial, with a few of my own adjustments of course.  I use the Double Fold Bow Tie because I feel like the chunkiness is a bit more manly.  After step 4 is where I add an extra step...

Fold in half, lengthwise, with the seam on the outside.  Sew an inch long seam in the center of the bow tie.  When you put the center on the bow tie, this holds the folds in place better and gives a crisp look.
I also used Velcro instead of a clip.  It seems it would be easier for a boy to use by himself.

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