
June 7, 2012

The Scrap Weeks.7 Keychain

Add a little bit of personality to your keychain with your favorite fabric scraps!

I stumbled across this tutorial a couple of weeks ago at Craftiness Is Not Optional and I've really been looking forward to making these cute little keychains.  Turns out, they're really fun and easy to make!  It's the perfect project to use up all of those itty bitty scraps lying around and to get creative with embellishments.  I thought I'd start out simple, but the next one I make I want to attach a yo-yo flower!

This keychain tutorial called for Pellon Peltex which I substituted with some leftover green felt (you can't see it in my picture, but it looks really good).  I also made a fabric loop instead of using the ribbon or twill.

Until tomorrow...

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