
June 4, 2012

The Scrap Weeks.4 Diaper Belt

My diaper bag is in dire need of some organization.  So today I am making a diaper belt to hold all of my diapers and wipes in one place.

For this project you will need:  sewing machine & thread, scrap fabric, interfacing, and a button.

Cut your fabric and interfacing 8 1/2" wide and 17" long.

Iron the interfacing to the back of your fabric.

With right sides together, fold in half lengthwise and sew along two sides.

Turn right side out and press.  Fold the open end under about 1/2" and press, then hand stitch it closed using a hidden stitch.

For the button hole, measure about 1" up from the bottom, make a thick zig-zag stitch, and cut up the center of it.
Attach your button on the other end, measuring up about 1".

That's all!  I now have a pretty and organized diaper holder for my bag.

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