
March 5, 2012


Inspiration is key to any creation.  Something I am always working on...

Textures, colors, and patterns always play a huge roll for me.  I love to just walk up and down the isles running my hands along the fabrics.
It's funny how my brain works when I go to the fabric store:

Okay, thread is all I need.
Ooo Spring colors...I could make an Easter blanket for Sawyer.
Oh, I still need to finish Sawyer's curtains, where is the home decor fabric...
This would look good-  nope, too expensive, maybe next trip.
Thread!  Okay, check.  All done.
Ooo swimsuit fabric, this would be a fun projec- (phone rings, It's my husband saying "What are you doing in there?  You said it would take you 5 minutes, it's been a half hour!)
Oops!  I forgot my boys were waiting in the car for me.  Time to go.

And that's how I's actually pretty realistic!

Kenna, my dog, always lying next to me while I write my posts.  I call her my little inspiration nugget.  Gets a nice giggle from the husband!

Of course, Bryan, my husband is a huge inspiration.  The passion he has for his career astounds me.  It's taken him 5 years to get to where he is, and never once I have heard him complain or talk about quitting, and let me tell you, it's been a tough 5 years.  Working two or more jobs, going to school full time, while in academy, and maintaining our relationship...whew, that's quite a load.  But he did it, and there is no one more deserving.  He landed a good one too!  Bryan takes pride in his work, as one should; he is absolutely amazing.
No matter how long it takes me to reach my goals, I hope I have the same attitude along the way.

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